New Zealand Lace Society


The New Zealand Lace Society runs a number of competitions.

The judging and prize giving takes place at the AGMs.

An entry form is available on the current AGM page 

The first of these is the Annual or Short term competition a theme is announced at the AGM and lacemakers have 1 year to make a piece of lace relating to the theme to be entered into the competition at the next AGM.

The theme - for the 2025 AGM is:


A Long term competition is also run every three years the last one was completed at the 2022 AGM in Mosgiel and was 'In my Garden' the new theme was also announced then and is to be completed for the 2025 AGM it is:


The President's Challenge for the 2025 AGM is:


The Jane Griffiths TrophyJane Griffths Trophy

This beautiful trophy is for novice lace makers. A novice lace maker is one who has been making lace for less than 3 years.

This trophy, donated by the family of Jane Griffiths and constructed using some of her bobbins would grace any mantle and serve as an inspiration to great works. As well as having the trophy for a year if you are the lucky recipient you also receive an engraved bone bobbin to keep spangled with beads from Jane's collection.

The rules were changed in 2007 to encourage novice lacemakers to enter. The conditions of entry now are that novice lacemakers may enter any piece of lace completed in the last year.

This allows a longer time to work on a piece and does not impose a theme to be followed which when you are just starting out can put you off.

The Olive Walklin Trophy

For the best use of Colour in Lace

This trophy is in memory of Olive Walklin and the recipient is selected every year from all the competition entries.

Competition Winners

A list of past winners can be found here

Competition Winners