New Zealand Lace Society

About Us

The New Zealand Lace society (NZLS) was founded in 1982 and became an incorporated society in 1986.

The aims of the NZLS are to:

  • Promote the craft of lacemaking in all its forms
  • Encourage and promote good craftsmanship and design in lacemaking
  • Seek and establish sources of materials, equipment and publications used in lacemaking

Our constitution, updated in 2024, is available here - Constitution of the New Zealand Lace Society

Its elected committee is spread throughout the country and consists of

The President: Ann Robinson contact at

The secretary: Carolyn Nye contact at

Treasurer: Diane Dunkin contact at

and currently 4 committee members:

Catherine Musgrave

Anna Shum-Pearce

Carolyn Straker

Louise Folster

If you would like to assist in the running of the society a committee nomination form is available
There are also 4 other positions within the society

Librarian: Tania Waghorn contact at

Archivist: Amanda de Klerk

Editor: Tania Waghorn contact at

Magazine Coordinator: Louise Folster contact at

Our Contact address is

New Zealand Lace Society
P.O. Box 7145
Pioneer Highway
Palmerston North, 4443
New Zealand