New Zealand Lace Society

About Us

The New Zealand Lace society (NZLS) was founded in 1982 and became an incorporated society in 1986.

The aims of the NZLS are to:

  • Promote the craft of lacemaking in all its forms
  • Encourage and promote good craftsmanship and design in lacemaking
  • Seek and establish sources of materials, equipment and publications used in lacemaking

Our constitution is available here - Constitution of the New Zealand Lace Society

Its elected committee is spread throughout the country and consists of

The President: Ann Robinson contact at

The secretary: Carolyn Nye contact at

Treasurer: Diane Dunkin contact at

and currently 4 committee members:

Catherine Musgrave

Anna Shum-Pearce

Carolyn Straker

Louise Folster

If you would like to assist in the running of the society a committee nomination form is available here

There are also 4 other positions within the society

The Librarian: Tania Waghorn contact at

The Archivist: Amanda de Klerk

The Editor: Tania Waghorn contact at

Magazine Coordinator: Louise Folster contact at

A copy of our constitution, in PDF format, can be down loaded here this was updated in 2024

Our Contact address is

New Zealand Lace Society
P.O. Box 7145
Pioneer Highway
Palmerston North, 4443
New Zealand